HPC Support at the University of Bonn

The HRZ HPC Team and the HPC/A Lab consist of experts in multiple disciplines and can offer advice on a broad range of topics.

We can also refer you to our colleagues elsewhere at HRZ, and establish contacts to other HPC centers (e.g. Aachen and Paderborn).

Interested? E-mail us at contact@hpc.uni-bonn.de and we can schedule a consulting session.

Our services

Support and Advice

Is something not working on the cluster? Do you have questions that our wiki and other learning resources cannot answer?

We will help you in getting your code to run, or understanding details about our systems and services! We can also look at your code with you and give you tips on how best to run it.

Whether your question is system-specific or general, a team member will get back to you as soon as possible. Click the button below to see an overview of our support e-mail addresses in our wiki.

© Petr Macháček via Unsplash
Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Barry Zhou via Unsplash

Training courses

Our training program includes courses about cluster use, Python, Linux and basics of machine learning.

Online resources

Our wiki contains information on how to use our systems. The HPC wiki contains general HPC information and several tutorials, including our Linux tutorial. A list of external guides can also be found in our wiki.

In-depth consulting

Want to increase your code's performance? Looking to migrate from our systems to larger clusters? Need advice from experts in your field or about advanced HPC topics?

Our multidisciplinary team provide in-depth consulting for your code, and can assist you with applying to regional, national and international HPC resources.

© John Schnobrich via Unsplash

Other support topics

Acknowledging System Use

Do you publish scientific manuscripts based on results obtained via HPC systems of the University of Bonn or under scientific support of the HPC/A Lab?

Learn more about mandatory notifications and precompiled acknowledgement templates.

Computational Resource Sharing

Did you receive a request to confirm the use of a computing share associated with your research group and wonder why?

Are you simply interested in how the computational resources on the central HPC clusters are shared among researchers?

Follow the button to learn more.

External Computing Resources

Do you require additional, potentially large-scale computing resources beyond the locally available HPC systems?

Learn more about opportunities to request computing time on different sites and at different tier levels.

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