HPC @ Uni Bonn
The high performance computing services (HPC) provided by the university of Bonn are an essential service for the campus community. We offer multiple HPC systems, as well as support, consulting and training concerning the use of these systems and scientific programming in general. Our systems Bender, Bonna and, Marvin can be used by all researchers, including students, at Uni Bonn.
We are pooling resources from these two teams to provide you multi-tiered support designed to meet your individual needs:

The HPC Team at the IT and Data Center (HPC@HRZ) is responsible for maintaining the university's central HPC clusters, particularly Bender and Marvin. As of June 2024, the HPC team has six members, whose tasks reach from technical maintenance, support, consulting, up to organizing workshops and training courses.

The High Performance Computing and Analytics Lab (HPC/A Lab) is a team of scientists from scientific disciplines including physics, computer science and machine learning, intended to offer advanced consulting to researchers. The HPC/A Lab is also involved with gauging the HPC demand and guiding the strategic development of the HPC service (e.g. preparing future system purchases).
Both teams are assisted by the HPC scientific council, which consists of researchers from various departments of the university, who advise on users' needs and provide feedback on the HPC services.
Our aim is to deliver prompt, precise, and multidisciplinary support to you. This multidisciplinary approach enables us to address your needs effectively and efficiently. Rest assured that by collaborating closely together, we are committed to delivering top-notch support that meets your expectations.
You are:
- A scientist (Student, research assistant, Professor, or any other academic role) at the University of Bonn and you are interested in registering for one of our High-Performance Computing (HPC) Clusters.
- Already a user and own an account, but are having trouble getting started with your work
- Experienced in using HPC clusters but encounter difficulties when it comes to executing a job.
- Working on your data analyses and you continue to receive an error message that persists.
Please reach out to us with your request via our contact form or the contact@hpc.uni-bonn.de e-mail address.
We offer:
- Use of our HPC systems
- Python course (sign up via eCampus)
- Introduction to Linux (see the online tutorial and eCampus)
- Workshops and trainings on using the cluster, see our Events Calendar
- Consultation hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 to 11:30 (AM).
- Personal consultation by appointment.

How to contact us?
There are three ways of reaching out to us:
By email, using the appropriate email addresses listed under the relevant sections.
Via the contact form or by emailing contact@hpc.uni-bonn.de for general inquiries.
In person on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday during our consultation hours from 9:30 to 11:30 AM at the University IT and Data Center (HRZ):
Wegelerstr. 6 53115 Bonn, High Performance Computing (HPC) Office, Room N°0.003
HPC Team Members
To discover the talent behind our success:
See the HPC/A Lab website for details about HPC/A Team members.
Learn more about the dedicated HPC Team @ HRZ members below.
Jan Steiner
Dr. Dirk Barbi
High Performance Computing (HPC) 0.003
Wegelerstr. 6
53115 Bonn
Khaoula Ferchichi
High Performance Computing (HPC) 0.003
Wegelerstr. 6
53115 Bonn
Dr. Florian Boecker
High Performance Computing (HPC) 0.003
Wegelerstr. 6
53115 Bonn
Our core values:
We react promptly and offer you an accurate support.
We ensure that your problem is solved and your inquiries are thoroughly addressed.
We employ our interdisciplinary expertise to fulfill your request.