Acknowledging System Use

What you need to know about publications related to the usage of the university's HPC clusters.

Compulsory Notification & Acknowledgment Templates

As part of the usage regulations for the central HPC systems of the University of Bonn, it is mandatory to inform the High Performance Computing & Analytics Lab about research publications (journal articles, conference papers and proceedings, preprints, monographs, books and book chapters, theses) that have been carried out under the employment of one of the central HPC systems which are either completely or partly open to the entire university.

If you are unsure whether this applies to you, please come back to the HPC/A Lab. The data provided should be at least the authors, the title of the publication, its DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and the employed HPC system(s), but it would be much better if you could provide us with BibTex files.

Apart from that, if a publication is related to the employment of an HPC system of the University of Bonn, a respective reference must be placed in the acknowledgments section of the respective publication. To make this easier for you, we provide you with some template suggestions on the HPC/A Forum Confluence page which is accessible from within the university network.


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