Training courses
The training program we offer encompasses a variety of courses focusing on cluster utilization and scientific programming. Each course is conducted at least once per semester.
You don't need to have HPC experience to participate in our courses, they are open to everyone with a University ID.
Visit the HRZ eCampus page (requires eCampus login) or our Events page to see all upcoming course dates.
Do you take part in the Bonn International Graduate Schools (BIGS)? Attendance in our courses can be eligible for credits in certain circumstances! Check with BIGS coordinators if you are interested (note that we are not involved with the BIGS credits process, and we make no guarantee of eligibility).
Course topics

Introduction to Working on HPC clusters
Here you will learn how to connect to our clusters, run your computations and get the most out of the cluster.
We recommend that every user attend this course at least once.
Introduction to Programming with Python
New to programming?
This course will teach you the foundations of one of the most important languages in scientific programming

Linux Introduction
Never used Linux?
This course will teach you the basics of the Linux command line, one of the most important skills for using any HPC system

Version Control with Git
Git has developed into one of the most widely used tools in software engineering.
This course will teach you the concepts behind Git, so no cryptic error message will ever scare you again.

Foundations of Machine Learning
Machine learning is rapidly becoming an important tool in all scientific disciplines.
This three-week course will get you up to speed on anything from the mathematical concepts to using real-life frameworks, all with lots of hands-on practice!

Advanced Machine Learning
This course covers advanced machine-learning topics. It continues where the Foundations of Machine Learning Course stopped.
We will cover second-order optimization, derivative evaluation, generative learning and more.
Advanced Python for Scientists
This course will cover some topics that scientists will likely run into when using Python.
We will look at arrays, frameworks like Numpy and others, performance and how to use Python on HPC clusters.
Don't see anything relevant to you?
We update our course program on occasion. We also cooperate with other universities on joint training courses and maintain a list of internet resources.