Borg – Common Infrastructure

Rather than building and maintaining entirely independent HPC clusters, we aim at linking our clusters by sharing infrastructure, such as login nodes, file systems, and batch system. 

Borg is a concept of integrating separate HPC systems into a common structure. What we plan to do in the next stages:

  • Using shared HOME folders (first Bender, later Bonna) hosted on the FDI (Forschungsdateninfrastruktur) in addition to the clusters own HOME folders, similar to the structure at JSC.
  • Building a shared node that can be used to access the file systems of and submit jobs to all connected HPC clusters.
  • A common batch system – depending on the cluster addressed maybe pushing jobs to different (local) batch systems, like HTCluster.


There is no need to apply for access to Borg, being part of any application to one of the HPC clusters linked.

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Avatar Barbi

Dirk Barbi

Avatar Kuckertz

Michael Kuckertz


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