Bonna – MPP Cluster

The small MPP cluster Bonna is available to scientists since 2019. It is maintained and supported mainly by the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI.

© Unknown author /

Technical Details

Peak Performance: 1.5 × 10¹⁴ Operations Per Second (150 TFlop/s)

70 MPP Nodes

  • CPU: 2 × Intel Xeon Gold 6130 16-core/16-threat 2.10GHz
  • RAM: 187GB
  • Local Storage: 2 × 480GB SSD Raid1
  • Network: Omnipath Full Bisection Fat Tree
  • Total Amount of Cores: 2,240
  • Total RAM: 13.1TB


  • Scratch Storage: 428TB
  • Additional Node-Local Scratch Storage: 2TB SSD / Node

Operating System & Software

  • OS: CentOS Linux
  • Batch System: Slurm


You already have an account?

From within the university network (or through VPN), you can access the Bonna Getting Started Wiki providing e.g. information about connecting via ssh, and also the Open OnDemand portal for remote browser-based shell access and Jupyter Notebooks.

You do not have an account or it is expired?

Use the following forms to register, prolongate, or extend (for multiple research group accounts) your Bonna account.

The interim regulations for use of high performance clusters of the University of Bonn can be found here.

This flowchart illustrates the lifecycle of Bonna accounts. More information about research group shares can be found here.


For all technical questions and support requests, please contact:

Personal contact

Avatar Barbi

Dirk Barbi

Avatar Kuckertz

Michael Kuckertz


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